Movement Imitation Therapy for Preterm Babies (MIT-PB) is a breakthrough intervention for high-risk premature infants.

Preterm infants are a high-risk group for neurodevelopmental problems resulting from damage to the central nervous system. By observing general movement patterns according to Prechtl, we are able to accurately determine in which premature infants structural damage affects motor functioning.

Several years ago, Marina Soloveichick developed a groundbreaking method of early intervention, which can be applied in neonatal units. The intervention is based on the cooperation of specialists and parents and involves "breaking" the abnormal movement pattern and imitating the normal movements of prematurity.

The results of a pilot study published in 2019 are showing spectacular results. Newborns who
had contracted-synchronized movements as a result of third-degree intraventricular hemorrhage were subjected to movement imitation therapy. Thanks to consistent intervention, normal motor development was achieved and cerebral palsy was avoided.

The NBAS Center Foundation in Poland has been committed to helping infants by supporting the specialists working with them, so we are very pleased to invite you to the first workshop in Poland by Marina Soloveichick presenting the principles of movement imitation therapy for premature infants. The workshop will be held on January 13, 2024 at the Ks. Anna Mazowiecka Clinical Hospital in Warsaw, at 2 Karowa St.

To participate in the workshop, you must have completed basic training in observing global movement patterns according to Prechtl.

The cost of an eight-hour workshop is PLN 1,300 per person.

Soloveichick, M. et al. (2019). Movement Imitation Therapy for Preterm Babies (MIT-PB): a Novel Approach to Improve the Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Infants at High-Risk for Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 32, 587–598.

